What are you thankful for?

Aminata, over at  hebrews12endurance is running a series on Thankfulness in the month of November. Each Monday and Thursday, she will be featuring one of 9 contributing bloggers, sharing what they are thankful for.

First in line is an expression of gratitude for the gift of words – written words, spoken words, The Living Word. Aminata shares her amazing journey from loathing God’s Word to loving it!

“I started seeing the beauty of a God who pursues His people, who loves them when they are most unlovable. For the first time in my life, I saw how He loved me. And it was humbling. As I recalled events in my life, I saw how God had snatched me away from disaster. When I made the decision to be baptized a second time, it was because I had fallen head over heels in love with Jesus and wanted to commit my life to Him.

God had saved me with His words.”

Head over to read the entire article here. And be sure to join in on this month-long series.

Thanks for reading!

Sike Osinuga.