Holy Helps

The Puritans are known not only for their quest for purity, but also for good ol’ wisdom and a rich heritage of biblical truths. Yet the dense volume of their writings and the use of outdated expression and language (which frankly speaking, belong in a bygone era) pose a challenge to the modern day reader.

Enter the ‘Puritan Treasures for Today’ series.  These series are a bridge between ancient tutors and modern learners. They offer Puritan writings in convenient sizes and lengths, using modern day language, all the while retaining the authors’ original meaning.

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Get it? Sweat it!

Photo by Max Winkler on Unsplash

Listening to one of Colin Buchanan’s album on repeat, I had these particular lines from the track, Invisible Believer, lodged in my memory – “If you know it, show it. If you get it, sweat it. If you see it, be it”. In that particular track, the song writer debunks the paradox of a believer who shows no fruit of genuine faith. In other words, there’s no such thing as an invisible believer! Continue reading “Get it? Sweat it!”

Keep on keeping on

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

The start of a new year is often met with resolutions and hope of new beginnings. An all-time favourite item on many a list is physical fitness, sometimes even backed up by gym sign ups. Some gym subscribers barely make a start before they abandon the project, others persevere a bit longer, keeping up with the repetitive nature of the commitment.

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So near yet so far

Photo Credit CzChooi

Meet Paul and Rachel, two fictitious characters.

Paul has been a Christian for over a decade and he has read the Bible from cover to cover, not on one occasion. He is recognised as an elder/deacon and he has led many organisational and structural changes in his church; he has also led many bible-study groups, and seamlessly steps in for the ‘boss’ on important occasions in the life of the church.

Rachel often wears different hats in her church – when she’s not singing, she’s a steward, helping newcomers, and always volunteering to prepare assorted dishes in the kitchen in a bid to enhance the communal life of her church. She has been through different churches with different systems, practices and forms of governments, but she’s dubbed ‘mama’ everywhere she goes; she is an active financier of the church and she definitely has the lingo and external attributes of a Christian.

Having built a reputation of trust overtime, both Paul and Rachel have spare keys to the church building. Continue reading “So near yet so far”